Description of type classification and production traits

All production traits declarated in kg or in percent % (milk ingredients). 1 kg (kilogram) equals 2,205 p (US-pounds).

The order of these declarations are as follows:
        Milk-kg    Fat-%     Fat-kg    Protein-%    Protein-kg

MW (Milchwert) combines the three values Zuchtwert ZW Milk-kg, ZW Fat-kg and ZW Protein-kg. These estimated values are comparable in the country of evaluation only.

CPI (Cow Performance Index) from USA was not recalculated in German values.

To estimate the high production of European cows please take into consideration all animals are placed at small farms in the alps.

All declarations are in our best intension, but anyhow we canīt grand any warranty.

We are pleased to give you further information about milkability, stature, the milkproduction of each lactation and any more - just call us or send a fax!



